Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fat girl in a little coat

OK, let's have a little discussion about the insulting experience of shopping for maternity clothes. One would think this would be the one time in a girl's life when large enough clothes can be easily located. I got really excited after seeing an ad for Kohl's that showed all the maternity clothes were on sale. Up until recently, I'd been getting by wearing most of my old clothes, but the belly is starting to get in the way. Keeping in mind we're trying to stay on budget, because this kid is eventually going to come out and need crazy things like clothes and diapers and food and daycare, good timing on the ad. Some notes on my shopping experience:
1. Cracked out pregnant lady who was shopping at the same time as me: you are scary, ma'am. I could seriously only stand about 5 minutes of her hovering near me and jumping from rack to rack as she looked for the smallest clothes in the department.
2. On the subject of small clothes: I mean no offense to women who are petite, naturally small framed, etc. etc. Seriously, I wish I was you. But I'm not. I kind of started out larger than normal, and pregnancy is a bad time to adopt a radical weight loss plan.
3. I am not Jennifer Aniston. I do not have a personal trainer or Zone meals delivered to my home. I am not having a fake pregnancy on TV. Having my belly hang out over my pants and/or below my shirt would not be cute. I need the clothes to actually cover my body so I can wear them to work.
4. Sizes, 0, -0, Small, and Extra Small should be prohibited from maternity departments. If you're that small, one would think you don't need maternity clothes.

As I have only been able to locate a few reasonably priced maternity tops at Target, my wardrobe is shrinking. Thus my experience getting dressed for work this morning: v

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