Monday, February 25, 2008


News on the baby front:
Around the beginning of January, while wiggling on her favorite play mat from Fairy Godmother Dana, Amelia decided to flip over from her stomach to her back. Hurray! Brian and I cried with glee. We let her gurgle and play on her back, then I flipped her back to her stomach, and she turned over again. And hasn't done it again since. Hmm. Babies are hard to figure out.

4 month checkup on February 6: she's up to 15 lbs (75th percentile), head size is 90th percentile. Yeah, go big brains! :) I took some really great pictures with my camera phone at the doctors office of Rick walking Amelia on the exam table. Please direct hate mail to Sprint as I lost those pictures on my phone's old memory card. boo. But, I have many more pics to share.....

Such as the ones of Amelia's first solid food! After getting the blessing from the pediatrician, we've starting trying to give her baby rice cereal. She'll still be getting most of her nutrition from the bottle for now, but we start introducing the solids so she can slowly adjust to the idea of real food, and start developing the motor skills for it. Needless to say, the first night of cereal produced comic results

We did plain cereal a couple of times, then I tried sweetening it (just a little, cause the kid will already have a sweet tooth with my genes) I've done pineapple juice, mashed banana, and her favorite has been applesauce. I mix the cereal with some formula until it looks like cream of wheat, then add a tablespoon of all natural unsweetened applesauce. Now she knows that when the spoon comes under her nose, she opens her mouth! We'll work on that a little while, and then be moving on to veggies and other fruits on their own. Exciting stuff. I'll be sure to post pics of the diapers solid feeding leads to.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Haha, I was totally going to comment: Solid food=big poo. You beat me to it.