Some of you have already heard this news, and if not, here it is in it's blog-o-riffic-ness.
Belly Watch!
So, the doc had been telling us to look for our baby's debut around October 31, which was a source of amusement, and comfortingly far away.
On May 8, Rick and I had the amazing privilege of seeing and hearing our baby for the first time. The ultrasound is an experience I wish I could live over and over. It was inspiring (and a relief) to hear the baby's heart thumping away. The ultrasound technician was very patient, and although I don't have any previous experience to judge this by, I think she's really good at her job. She spent a lot of time going over my belly and looking at video of the baby from different angles to examine the heart, head, spine, limbs, and digits. She took some measurements, and from her observations gave us this information:
1. If you didn't already hear it from us, or guess from my use of gender-specific pronouns, we are having a girl!
2. Development is looking good so far. I am so grateful and happy.
3. I'm probably about 4-5 weeks farther along than the doctor had previously estimated. This pushes the estimated due date up to Sept. 25. That means as of right now, I am about 23 weeks, or just beginning the 6th month. Holy cow is this summer going to fly...
Here, the first of what I am sure will be maannnyyy baby pictures

She moved around a bit while it was going on, and was moving her hand like opening and closing a fist. She's been pretty active ever since. The same week of the ultrasound I started feeling strange little movements from her vicinity. It's like having my belly tickled from the inside.
Fun times!
More updates to come, I promise....
It sounds like you're doing well! She looks beautiful. :)
Your fetus needs a message tee (or onesie?) to go with that rolling-the-eyes-at-mom attitude. I'll on it!
Very exciting! I'm so happy that everything looks good. Yup, September will come awfully FAST!
Oh my God, I still can't believe you're pregnant! It's so real now. She has hands!
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